Christian movies coming out in may 2018
Christian movies coming out in may 2018

The luciferains plan to have global governance in place by 2030 (UN agenda 2030). The satanic globalism efforts taking place will not be stopped until Jesus returns and smashes it.

christian movies coming out in may 2018 christian movies coming out in may 2018

It is the western nations of the world being led by the illuminated (luciferain) world elite. The last beast would trample upon all nations. In Daniel’s vision there were only four beasts that would rule the world. One day very soon God is going to pull the Church and the world will get its evil ways. In case you have not noticed, that is what Islam and the Marxist left is all about. Take the influence of the Church out of the world and you are left with global Nazism on steroids. True Christians wonder how the world can get any more evil. They replace it with fairy tales like evolution and reincarnation. The scriptures warn that people who reject God will be given over to a reprobate mind. Obviously, when there are no more ears able to hear there is no reason for the Church to be here. What is the purpose of the Church being here if it cannot preach the gospel of Christ in the world? The world is rapidly blinding itself to the truth. Preaching a Jesus of inclusiveness and all paths spiritualism is not the gospel of Jesus Christ. Proselytizing is being outlawed everywhere even in the so-called Christian nations. How can judgment not fall on this evil generation? Everywhere evil is said to be good and good is said to be evil. Islam and Marxist influenced nations are persecuting Christians relentlessly. Deranged Romans One women are aborting their babies by the millions. Humanistic foul-mouthed women with vaginas on their head have no shame in protesting the natural God-given order. Most that are not homosexual shack up instead of getting married. Men are having sex with men and women are having sex with women and they call it normal and insist that Christians also endorse this evil. There is violence and debauchery everywhere. The world also has become like it was before the flood and the days of Lot. The churches of the world are teaching a worldly gospel that is no gospel of Jesus at all. Scripture warned us that this would take place in the last days. The only reason most of nations of the world hate tiny Israel is the satanic influence working through religion and Marxism.Īnother great sign of the end of the age is that most of Christendom has departed into apostasy. The nations of the world have an obsession compulsion disorder over a very small nation in the Middle East. The whole world is focused on Jerusalem just like the prophets said would happen in the last days. There are many signs that the end of the age is upon us. By the way, we are the only generation since Jesus left that can make such claims. We can know we are in the general time of the end of the age because what scripture spoke about as occurring in the last days is taking place. We are not blind, so seeing the things happening, it seems reasonable to me to assume that the second coming is before 2035 and the Rapture is before 2025. The scriptures indicate that believers will know the general time of His coming. We also can observe that the world is rapidly going nuts. We can be fairly certain that the end time timeline is correct, because Israel is back in the land, and we can see the stage being set up for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. For example, a new black plague type event could greatly reduce the earth’s population or a nuclear world war could set the world’s advances back a few decades. There could be a civilization reset that is unforeseen. So should you sell the farm or stop preparing for life? No, we cannot be certain about anything.

christian movies coming out in may 2018

Therefore, the Church will probably be out of here by 2025. The way the world is going I cannot see how the second coming is beyond 2035. So the gap between the Rapture and the second coming could even be longer making the Rapture sooner then 2025. Keep in mind, that Enoch departed a half generation before the flood judgment. That means if the second coming occurs before 2035, the Rapture would take place before 2025. So let’s assume the time between the Rapture and second coming is only ten years. There probably is also a gap of a few years between the Rapture and the signing of the covenant that starts the final week of years for Israel. The Rapture occurs at least seven years sooner than the second coming.

christian movies coming out in may 2018

I think all will be fulfilled by the 2030’s (I erred on the side of caution in that 2050 article.) We Christians can and should see the signs of the times. For almost two thousand years Christians have waited for Jesus to return but most alive today will actually see that fulfillment.

Christian movies coming out in may 2018